back from craziiii
finally done "most" of my work...wish i could say "all", well i bet no one can finish with work...unless one is "dead" glad i am alive to slog another day!! kakakakka...what craziii jibberish am i typing??
got loads of photos...but not downloaded to boast & brag...give me a lil more time....once i am back from craziii, i will be the goodie blogger i once was.
at the moment the girls are so into mamma mia, and will scream murder if i say they are singing songs from abba. coz they totally dun relate to that 70s group...make any sense?
school's almost out, elli has a concert, erika celebrated her birthday....evira is "walking"
pics & post out soon...promise....
officially, will be "back from craziiii" on 26 packing bags & flying off soon