arrive at kansai airport...the airport that floats (saw it on national geographic - telly teaches us a lot of stuff too, so should i encourage my girls to watch more telly....nah!!) airport very, very far from our hotel!! i guess real estate here is super expensive, as expected. it is the same for narita airport...guess i can't complain about klia now.

went to dotombori - most happening street to have dinner, then the rest of the pictures are taken by daddy when i was working. daddy love the japanese gardens, of cos the bonsai, bottom picture is the famous osaka castle. he said lots of homeless people in makeshift tents he didn't bring me there la...all i see is this picture only.
after work, i usually have dinner programs so the only time we get out of osaka is for supper at the cute yakitori places. the great part is japanese timing...dinner starts sharp at 6 and ends sharp at 8, which leaves us plenty of time to explore more FOOD at nite (greedy la). they really kick you out of the restaurant sharp, so all small talk, big talk ends sharp at 8, they even dimmer the lights to hint that its TIME TO GO! or they politely inform you that the bus will leave you behind, so everyone is off their seats sharp!
the most enjoyable part of osaka was universal studios, if you are there, dun miss this. we spent the whole day there. daddy was clever to buy the fast pass tickets so that we dun need to line up for the rides, it was only about RM60 (cheap la - considering that it save us about 4 hours of queuing time) for 4 of the most happening rides.
for me the most fun ride was the 3-d animation spiderman's ride and terminator shows. well the rides were more fun compared to kiddy disneyland rides. which brought us back to thinking about our girls and how we wish they were there with daddy decided that he will bring the girls to disneyland next year...compensation for missing them sooooo much that it brought tears to his eyes when he saw the other girls with their daddies.
me stopping for food and snack break all the time...need to refill since feeding for 2...excuses...
e.t. go home adventure, back to the future, jaws and waterworld brought back lots of memories for daddy since he last went to the states studios some 20 years ago....i was thinking after 20 years, still the same rides ah!! no change??
then we attended the farewell dinner event that was held at studios, stage 33. daddy fell in love with all the cute japanese girls, he wish he was 18 again and single!
i did a spiderman hand painting on my right hand. since it was halloween party...the girls asked me..."tic-kor-trijk-tor" i was perplex as to what they were trying to say...then i realised it's "treat or tricks". then they performed for us and had all the ol' men (mostly accountants) oggling!
after osaka we left for kyoto...