kena tagged by lovelymummy
so must do homework vely boring life...that what my doc said...of cos he put it in a nicer word since he is more learned and an intellectual snob....he calls my life "sedentary" ...make it sound more terror la...which in other words...boring lo or doc said "good life" meaning no need to do hard labour, just "sit and be served" here goes...
[A is for age]:
this year is my lunar calendar u guess la...12, 24, 36, 48
[B is for booze of choice]:
sweet dessert wine...ais wine would be great!
wish to join wine of the month clubs too so that i get to enjoy them for free...i hope.
[C is for career]:
not ambitious la...dun wanna slave too much mah.
[D is for your most dreaded]:
can i put relatives here....ehh...better not...only in my secret blog i can blah about it...
[E is for essential items you use everyday]:
wah so many stuff essential wor...toothpaste, toothbrush, blusher, eye brow pencil...glasses, watch.....
[F is for favorite song at the moment]:
not musically inclined...can live without music wan.
[G is for favorite games]: can consider a game?...trying to find the nicest thing in the shortest time and on the best bargain.
[H is for Hometown]:
pee jay
[I is for indulgence:]
sleeping, eating, eating and more good food please. (sollyla, but i need to maintain my weight...i have vely good jeans...which makes me loose weight even if i snooze whole day)
[J is for favorite flavor of juice:]
avacado juice
[K is for kids]:
my 2 angels, of cos and my 3 boxers
[L is for last hug from husband]
got a peck on the cheek tis morning la...dun remember hug
[M is for years of marriage]:
eh...going to reach the "7 year itch"
[N is for name of your crush]:
other people crush on me or i crush on them...
[O is for overnight hospital stays]:
2 nites for erika and total 4...that's more pleezzzz
[P is for phobias]:
rats, snakes
[Q is for quote]:
dun have...this kind of stuff...very engelish wan.
[R is for biggest regret:]
regret not spending more time with my frens
[S is for status, married or single]
married...most times happy, sometimes angry....sometimes wish i was single!!
[T is for time you wake up:]
when ellisa whines...sometimes 12 a.m....zzzz...1 a.m.....zzzz....4 a.m....zzzz....6a.m....zzz...finally get up and ready at 8++
[U is for underwear:]
of cos i wear them la! u think i pyscho!
[V is for vegetable you love:]
almost all...
[W is for worst habit:]
pinching food
[X is for x-rays you’ve had]:
a few la...standard medical exam
[Y is for yummy food you make]:
from the packet...macaroni & cheese (erika's fave)
[Z is for zodiac sign]:
the balancing act
see not very exiting stuff....maybe these mommies can share more interesting facts about themselves la....
my life zone
nomadic mom
princess mummy