all about ellisa ~ 20 months old
since a lot of mommy do milestones account of their product child, i will do one for ellisa lah.
when i am home, i get trailed, followed and pursued by a cutie lil’ stalker. when popo wants to carry her...then she will tell popo… “i wan my ma-ma-ma-ma-ma, norrrt ewe”…see la…popo a little hurt la…after taking care of her whole day…once mommy is home…ditch popo and stuck on to mommy.
i am surprise she can string out such a long sentence…other sentences she can say now are (actually my memory very lousy nowadays…so try my best to recall some)
"lup ewe mommiee" "lup ewe daadiee" "lup ewe por por" "lup ewe kong kong"
"mommiee go orrfees"
"noooooo, doe wan"
(after she did something wrong, give sorry look) "sorrrriieee mommiee" (then give you a kiss **, how to be angry with her) one thing i must say she is very generous with her kisses and hugs, when she is in the mood.
"huug me, mommiee"
(if she can’t open the door) "open theee doooor, open theeee door" (if no one response to her, then she will add this) "oppen theee doooor…peeezzeee"
mommy caught her in the act of playing the tap again!! she knows she has step over the line…she panicked and was taken by surprise when i caught her…
top left pic…carry stool to reach tap, on and off tap to
waste play water
top right pic… give me the sheepish grin and the husky guilty laugh (ya she got a lil’ husky voice..dunno if it temporary or permanent)
left pic below…look at hands, dare not look at mommy…
right pic below…hanging on to the sink…waiting for mommy to disappear…so that she can waste play water again… mommy had no choice but to cart this nauti girl away… i know it won’t be long before she finds her way back to the tap…this one need 24 hours surveillance…only serene time is when she is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
talking about taps, get great taps from!!!
look what her mischief got her into…even then she is not afraid of pain, and when i wash the wound with warm water, she must have felt prickly, she went scratching on the raw wound…me screaming to stop her…daddy say she may not have much pain receptors!
that looks like a badddd wound..poor girl...
eh she looks abit mat salleh eh? and the wound...loooks painful wei!
Ouuchhh!!! Must be painful for her. Poor thing.....
i see also sakit... aiyoh... sayang sayang arrr.... dun scratch liao....
eh..ur girl can speak quite a lot lei..can even said a sentence.My boys still not yet!! *sob sob*
Your girl look very "ang-mo" le..
same with my son, he also scratch his wound on his really itchy and pity lah, do u put on some medicine on it?
aduiii pain pain...
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