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Friday, March 16, 2007

weight of a name

remembered the meeting i had in bangladesh 2 years ago and we had a special guest by the name of ian ball…pronunciation of his name is like this… “eee-yan ball”.

of cos the bangladeshi host came from better schools and had their own special twang or slang of their own and therefore have their own "unique" style of articulation. these are some fine examples of how the proud host introduced this guest of honour.

it is with my utmost pleasure to have mr i…ron…ball as our distinguish guest of honour at this grand…

as a token of our appreciation to mr i…ron ball….i am happy to present...

we would like to invite mr i…ron ball to say a few words...

i am sure he felt the weight of his “name” lifted off his shoulders…when he left that country!!!


jazzmint said...

hahaha....that VIP must be cursing the bangla

mom2ashley said...
