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Friday, April 17, 2009

new toy

maid just lari off with our sony ericsson plus all the money in my wallet...

not much feelings, no anger or depression - except maybe a little betrayed...but that passed too quickly

coz daddy went and bought me a brand new (not the usual pass me down toy) iphone!! yipppeee

lots of games to play, the girls are also happy cos they can stop harressing daddy for his (for the time being).

que sara sara

bad things go away

new toy come my way


they girls have been great after the maid "cabuted"...they actually are closet domestic-goddess. now that we know their potential...we are quite happy to discover their cleaning powers. elli is moping and cleaning and wiping. erika- washing dishes, making beds, washing shoes and of cos her fave - ironing!


Family First said...

OMG! Lucky she didnt ransack the house before she left! So the girls are quite happy helping out i c .. thats good.

Sasha Tan said...

chinese saying old don't go new one wont come. haha u sound so glad that she ran away.

NomadicMom said...

Wah. Maid runaway...still so happy one??

laundryamah said...

woi! sure elli can mop the floor anot????? and is it a good idea to let erika do ACTUAL ironing??? hmmm...

Mamapumpkin said...

Oh, good for you! It's a blessing in disguise, isn;t it? some more got new presents and new discoveries.....what could be sweeter?

2ma said...

it is such a blessing to have girls hor? *hehe*

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

good on u for keeping such positive spirit!

maids can really bring HUGE headaches lah. mine is "normal" so far but then we can never trust them 100% can we????

better to not have a maid in the house, thats my honest opinion. i cant wait for the day when my kids are grown up and i dont need a stay-in maid!