this page is specially for the 3 angels in my life...jottings of their daily life..hopefully it will help them remember and cherish their childhood and to discover about themselves and their mommy...who loves them very much. i am blessed...i have angels watching over me.
1st day of day puzzles and games with her the children will come back to school tomorrow!
scribbled by
mommy of 3 angels
10:50 am
aiyo erika why the long face? and ellise is so cute and fast! notice the picture is not clear cos she's too FAST!
aunty! ellisa looks more like you nowadays wor....leng lui like mommy! :P
wahh so young play piano liao
ya lah..Erika look soooo angry leh. Even in those that she wasn't looking into the camera ones. Maybe you should try some bribes..heee hee.."you smile I give you sweets"...hee hee
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