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Saturday, June 23, 2007


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My father in law just bought a new place after selling his single storey house. The problem is the new house is double storey and walking up & down takes a lot of effort and not taking into account the risk factors of what a stairs may give rise to! I know for one ~ Erika and Ellisa had so many little accidents on my stairs…really give my heart a really big scare when I hear a “bump” and followed by loud wails. So when I bumped into this website stairlifts which carry a range of stairlifts to suit almost every kind of home, the first thought was on my father in law. The variety of stairlifts available is quite incredible,Straight stairlifts, Curved stairlifts, even Outdoor Stairlifts, Standing Stairlifts and Reconditioned stairlifts, to suit your budget and your need. I have not seen the newly bought property, but I am confident we will find a suitable stairlift model for the new home. Bet this will be a hit with the kids too!!