this page is specially for the 3 angels in my life...jottings of their daily life..hopefully it will help them remember and cherish their childhood and to discover about themselves and their mommy...who loves them very much. i am blessed...i have angels watching over me.
ellisa is fascinated with balls, big or small, and this colourful magic one that can expand and contract really entertained her 'scientific' or curious mind. ya! you can get these colourful expandable balls from the guy on the cheap for such a lovely toy!
scribbled by
mommy of 3 angels
5:59 pm
wei happy happy scrapping like mad since u downloaded the scraps pass some over la! muahahahhaha..
wei ah scrapping rules one u know...gotta follow or not next time they dun let me download all the freebies how?...rule is u must download to ur own pc and cannot share one wor.
very cheap me? the ball? how much wor?? if not mistaken saw it in pasar malam b4, but nvr check how much? :P
such a good thing to play with!
so cute!
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